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Global Master Franchise 상세보기
Name Onyu Pak
Phone number 14352364739
E-mail toy49491@gmail.com
Applicable nation and region

The United States/ Utah - St.george


Sub Franchises



My name is Onyu Pak. I am living in Saint George, Utah, where the weather is very dry hot. I did not spend a lot of time here, but I can tell that there is huge potential in this area with Sulbing. Just giving a brief description about this area is that for most of the days throughout the year the weather is very hot. Also there is a lot of people who are interested in Korean or Asian food, but there isn't any opportunity for them to experience them, because most of Korean restaurants are very far away from this area. I see few Japanese restaurants here and one of their restaurants are always full. This area is also growing bigger as time passes and that is why I see very good potential here in Utah, Saint George.

Thank you,
Onyu Pak
