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Global Master Franchise 상세

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Global Master Franchise 상세보기
Name Lumbreras Cobo, Dalia
Phone number 01062771916
E-mail daliabreracobo@gmail.com
Applicable nation and region

Spain, Málaga


Master Franchises


Good afternoon,

My name is Dalia, I am Spanish and I have lived in South Korea for 7 years. Every time my mother, Flory, comes to visit me in Korea, our essential place to go is Sulbing because we love all your products and we thought it would be a good business idea to open a franchise in Spain, specifically in Málaga, which is where my mom lives.

I don't know if you know this city, but it is very similar to Busan, it is very beautiful and there is a lot of tourism, very good weather, it is the province with most sun during the year in Spain and people have a very open mind to try new things. There are also many Korean tourists and students as well as Spanish students of Korean at the University of Málaga. Málaga is one of the Andalusian cities with the greatest economic activity and the fifth in Spain. In addition, we as Spaniards know that other compatriots would also love these products and there is nothing similar there, so we believe that it would be a success. Also, there is no Sulbing in Europe, so it could be the start for you to expand your business on that continent.

That is why we would be interested in learning about your company policy regarding franchises and, if possible, it would be an honor to become your partners.

Also, if it's more comfortable for you, we can also speak in Korean, so please write me in the way that's more comfortable for you.

Thank you very much and have a happy evening.


Dalia Lumbreras Cobo


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